IDE Setup

With access to the PMACS server from Intro to Computational Resources, here are some IDE options.

Setting Up VS Code for PMACS HPC

This guide will walk you through installing VS Code locally, setting up a remote VS Code server on a PMACS HPC worker node, and tunneling into it. This approach lets you leverage VS Code’s interactive features, such as native notebook support, for your remote workflows on the HPC. It includes two approaches:

  1. Interactive Session (simple, but limited to 8 hours).
  2. Alternate Method (preferred if you want longer sessions).

Quick Overview

  1. Install VS Code and the Remote - Tunnels extension on your local computer.
  2. Install the VS Code CLI on the PMACS HPC server.
  3. Approach A (Interactive): Start an interactive HPC session, run code tunnel, and connect.
  4. Approach B (Scripted): Submit a job script that runs the VS Code server in a non-interactive queue for a longer duration.

Step 1: Install VS Code Locally

  1. Download and install VS Code from the official download page.
  2. Launch VS Code and sign in using GitHub or Microsoft. This login is required to verify and authenticate your remote tunnels.
  3. In VS Code, install the Remote - Tunnels extension by Microsoft from the Extensions Marketplace.

Step 2: Install the VS Code CLI on PMACS HPC

  1. Download the VS Code CLI

    wget -P ~/.local/bin ""
    tar -xvf ~/.local/bin/code-server.tar.gz -C ~/.local/bin
  2. Add ~/.local/bin to PATH (if needed)

    echo $PATH | grep --color "$HOME/.local/bin" # Check if already added
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    which code

You should see ~/.local/bin/code in the output.

Approach A: Using an Interactive Session (Up to 8 Hours)

  1. Request an Interactive Node

    bsub -n 4 -R "rusage[mem=8000]" -Is bash

    Adjust CPU and memory as needed. By default, the interactive queue limits sessions to 8 hours.

  2. Start the VS Code Tunnel

    code tunnel

    Authenticate if prompted. The account you use to authenticate will connect VS Code to the tunnel you just opened. You’ll see a link in the terminal once the server is ready.

  3. Connect Locally

    • In your local VS Code, open the Remote Explorer from the side bar. The logo is a monitor with a >< badge in front.
    • Under Tunnels, you should see your PMACS session. It will use your name. Click to connect.
    • Alternatively, use the Command Palette, search for Remote-Tunnels: Connect to Remote Tunnel, and pick the PMACS session.

Approach B: Submitting a Script for Longer Sessions

  1. Pre-Authenticate (Optional, but Recommended)

Before you submit your script, make sure you’re logged in to VS Code Tunnels on the HPC. This avoids having to grab a device code while the job runs.

code tunnel user login --provider github
code tunnel user show

If you see an active account, you’re ready.

  1. Create a Submission Script

Below is an example script (call it that requests 48 hours:

#BSUB -J  vscode_server       # Job name
#BSUB -W 48:00                # Wall time
#BSUB -n 4                    # Number of cores
#BSUB -M 51200                # 50GB of memory total
#BSUB -o vscode.%J.log        # Standard output log
#BSUB -e vscode.%J.error      # Standard error log

# Load any needed modules here
# Example: module load python

# Run the VS Code tunnel
code tunnel --accept-server-license-terms

Adjust resources (-W, -n, -M) based on your needs.

  1. Submit the Script

From the HPC login node, run:

bsub <

Take note of the job ID printed to the screen (e.g., <86979279>).

  1. Check Job Output and Tunnel Status

Use bpeek to view output while the job runs:

bpeek <JobID>

If you’re not pre-authenticated, the output might show something like:

To grant access to the server, please log into and use code 87B9-A3B8

Go to that URL on your local machine, enter the code, and complete authentication.

  1. Connect From Your Local VS Code
  • Once the server is up, open VS Code on your local machine.
  • Go to the Remote Explorer. Under Tunnels, look for your HPC job.
  • Or use the Command Palette: Remote-Tunnels: Connect to Remote Tunnel and select the PMACS HPC session.

At this point, you should be able to open files, notebooks, and terminals through your local VS Code, with the job potentially running for up to the time limit you requested (eg -W 48:00 in the script).

Notes and Troubleshooting

  • Why Tunnels Instead of SSH? SSH access into worker nodes is restricted and sessions don’t persist across HPC worker node changes. The VS Code tunnel follows you to the worker node.
  • Queue Limits: The interactive queue has shorter limits (often 8 hours). To see details, run bqueues -l interactive.
  • Stuck Tunnel? If the remote tunnel doesn’t appear, reload your local VS Code window (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R) or rerun the script.
  • Resource Adjustments: If you need more memory or CPU, update -n and -M in your job script.

Setting Up Jupyter Notebook for PMACS HPC

This guide will walk you through setting up a remote Jupyer server on a PMACS HPC worker node and tunneling into it. This guide only walks through the process for setting it up from an interactive session. This guide borrows from the HPC wiki guide here but is more updated as of 02/19/2025.

NOTE: The following instructions are for Mac clients. For Windows clients, the process is essentially the same. MobaXTerm does have a GUI for port forwarding in place of step 3.

  1. Log into an interactive session on the HPC. Navigate to your working directory since it is difficult to navigate from the Jupyter GUI.

If this is your first walkthrough, install the missing packages from the python/3.11 module.

```[obki@consign ~]$ bsub -Is bash « Waiting for dispatch…» «Starting on node157.hpc.local» [obki@node157 ~]$ module load python/3.11 gcc/12.2.0 # gcc/10.2.0 also works. [obki@node157 ~]$ pip install -U jupyter_nbextensions_configurator jupyter_server_proxy scikit-learn # If first time

**NOTE**: If another version of python or gcc is loaded in, you can remove it by running `module remove gcc/VERSION`, where VERSION is the one you don't want to use.

2. Run `jupyter notebook --ip $(hostname)`

You should see output like the following:

```[I 16:13:48.696 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/obki
[I 16:13:48.696 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 16:13:48.696 NotebookApp] http://node157.hpc.local:8888/?token=fbf40f23ca994ac5046337e6427ffea8d2be346fa54653ff
[I 16:13:48.696 NotebookApp]  or
[I 16:13:48.697 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[W 16:13:48.707 NotebookApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.
[C 16:13:48.707 NotebookApp]

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:


If you see something similar to the above, you have set up the Jupyter Server. Leave this running.

  1. Keep the previous terminal open and create a new terminal on your Mac or Linux machine. Create the tunnel using the following command:

ssh -L 8888:node157:8888 <your_user_name>

Since the interactive session with the Jupyter Server is running on “node157”, use that hostname in the above SSH forwarding command. Similarly, if the Jupyter Server is on different port number than 8888, change the two 8888’s in the forwarding command to match the port number in the URL generated by the “jupyter notebook –ip $(hostname)” command.

  1. Copy the link generated in the output of the “jupyter notebook –ip $(hostname)” command (the link that starts with “http://”).

In the above example, that would be:

NOTE: This link is unique and you will not be able to bookmark it.

Paste the link into a web browser and you should have the Jupyter IDE in the browser.